Yes, some companies are still using Internet Explorer

Microsoft announced yesterday (May 19) that it would finally retire Internet Explorer on June 15, 2022. The announcement was no surprise—the once-dominant web browser faded into obscurity years ago and now delivers less than 1% of the world’s internet traffic. But Microsoft was quick to clarify that it would still support a version of Internet Explorer built into its newer Edge web browser, as a service to all the companies that still rely on Internet Explorer.

Which begs the question: Who on earth is still relying on this obsolete web browser to run their business?

Mostly, it’s large, legacy organizations in industries that don’t rely too much on the web to conduct their core functions. Healthcare, manufacturing, and local government are the main sectors that still have Internet Explorer holdouts, according to radio show Marketplace. They’ve gotten stuck on Internet Explorer either by failing to regularly update their IT systems, or because they use specialized equipment that can’t be updated.

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* This article was originally published here
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